The Manager has the features to Punch In/Punch Out, Live Tracking, Add Clients, Add Activity, Leave Request, Attendance Summary Reports, Attendance Detailed Reports, Clients Report.
1.1 GPS Monitoring:
Assigned employees Live Tracking will be displayed in the dashboard map.
By default, Live tracking will be displayed for the Current day date, but Manager can check for the past dates by selecting date in the date field.
Manager can also check for employee’s mobile battery percentage after they punch in and start tracking location
Total number of Employees ‘Punch in’ and ‘Punch out’ for the day will be displayed
1.2 Clients:
All added Clients by the assigned Employees will be displayed under this screen.
Added Clients will be segregated based on the Activity status of the Client. (Leads, Call for Demo, Demo Pending, Demo Completed and Future Leads)
If the Client was added by the Employee for the very first time, then the Client will be displayed under the Leads.
Below the Clients List, we can see the Lead Age with different colour indications. Based on the activity status, we are able to know the age of the added client
If for the added Client the Activity Status was changed Call for Demo, Demo Pending, or Demo Completed, the Clients will be displayed accordingly under the concerned columns
If the Activity Status is anything other than CALL FOR DEMO, DEMO PENDING or DEMO COMPLETED then those Clients will be moved to the “Future Leads.”
Based on date selection Client list will display
Unselect ‘View All’ check box ‘From Date and To Date’ fields will display with calendar icon lection Client list will display
On click particular client, Added Client Details and Added Activity details will display and Manager able to add new activity and assign that activity to another employee if that client created employee is not available
Manager able to change assignment if assigned employee is not available
1.3 Attendance Summary Report:
In the Attendance Summary Report screen, the Manager can get the details of the Attendance for assigned Employees based on the search criteria of data and Employee name.
In the Summary Report, Manager can see the data related to Employee’s First in and Last Out time, Total hours and Productive hours of employees will be displayed
Manager can download Attendance Summary Report in Excel and PDF Format
There is a hyperlink for the “Details” where the Manager gets the details of the Break hours taken by the Employees.
1.4 Attendance Detailed Report:
In the Detailed Attendance Report the Manager can check the Attendance Report based on the month based on the search criteria.
This report facilitates for the easier count of the Absents, Presents and Late Count of an Employees.
1.5 Clients Report:
In the Clients Report all the details related to the Clients (added by Employees) will be stored.
Managers are provided with various filters and search options to filter the data and can get data accordingly.
Managers can download the whole Clients Report for any sort of analysis if required.
1.6 Employee Activity Report:
In the Employee Activity Report Manager has the feasibility to check the Employee wise Punch in and Punch out, Total visits and No.of kms Travelled.
This report is also based on the Search criteria of the Employee Name field and Date fields.
1.7 Device Approvals:
If by any chance Employee changes the using device (Mobile) then the next login device requires approvals from the Manager.
So, all the Device Approvals will be displayed under this screen.
1.8 Employee Tracking Log Report:
In the Employee Tracking Log Report Manager has the feasibility to check the Employee wise tracking information Started At, Start Location, Details, Stay Duration, Travel Duration, KMS Traveled, Reached At, End Location.
This report is also based on the Search criteria of the Employee Name field and Date field.
1.9 Team Travel Approvals:
On clicking ' Team Travel Approvals ', the Team Travel Approvals page will be displayed
On the Travel Approvals page, ‘Select Employee’, 'From Date', 'To Date' and ‘Minimum Visits’ fields will be displayed, along with 'Search' and 'Clear' buttons
By default, All Employee option will be displayed in the Select Employee dropdown
By default, the current date will be displayed in the date fields
By default, “0” will be displayed in the Minimum Visits text field
In the table, there are six tabs (Pending, Verified, Approved, Travel Summary, Rejected, All) available for viewing the status
If the travel record t is waiting for verification from the manager, it will remain under the 'Pending' tab until the manager reviews it
Based on the selection, summary of the selected records will display in the ‘Selected Records Summary’ table and Manager will Verify or Reject the records
If the travel record is verified by the manager, it will appear under the 'Verified' tab
If the travel record is Approved by the Finance Manager, it will appear under the 'Approved' tab
The sum of all records related to Verified, Approved, Rejected, Claimed will display under the ‘Travel Summary’ tab
If the manager or Finance Manager rejects the travel record, it will be displayed under the 'Rejected' tab
All records related to Verified, Approved, Rejected, Claimed will display under the ‘All’ tab
1.10 Assignments Report
On clicking 'Assignments', the Assignments page will be displayed
On the 'Assignment page, ‘Select Employee’, 'Scheduled From Date', ''Scheduled To Date' and ‘Select Status’ fields will be displayed, along with 'Search' and 'Clear' buttons
By default, All Employee option will be displayed in the Select Employee dropdown
By default, the current date will be displayed in the date fields
By default, All Status will be displayed in the Select Status dropdown
Search box will be displayed at the top right of the table
Manager can search for any Assignment in the table as needed
This report is also based on the Search criteria
1.11 Missed Punch Report
On clicking ‘Missed Punch Report’, the Missed Punch Report page will be displayed
On the 'Assignment page, ‘Month and Year’, 'Employee Name, fields will be displayed, along with 'Search' and 'Clear' buttons
By default, present month will be displayed in the Month and Year dropdown
By default, All Employees option will be displayed in the Employee Name dropdown
Search box will be displayed at the top right of the table
Manager can search for any Assignment in the table as needed
This report is also based on the Search criteria
1.12 Leave Approvals
Manager can see the latest leave requests raised by employees
Manager can Approve, Reject, View the leave request
1.13 Configure Shift
Manager can assign the shifts for assigned employee’s (Shift days)
Select Shift, Shift duration (From date & To date)
Select Employee’s
Click on submit button to assign the Shift
Manager can see Shift history by clicking on the view icon
1.14 Week off Configuration
Manager can assign the week offs for assigned employee’s (Week offs)
Select Weekly Off
Select Employee’s
Click on submit button to assign the week off
Manager can see Week off history by clicking on the view icon
1.15 Leave History
Approved, rejected attendance requests are displayed in the table
Manager can see the full information by clicking on view button