Click on “Employee Management” option from Left menu.
Employee dashboard is displayed with present month attendance details and leave balance details.
My Profile:
Click on My profile from left menu.
Employee can see his/her information on this page (Personal information, Work experience, Bank Details, Family details, Education details, Documents upload).
Employee can edit or update the data in My Profile
Onboarding checklist:
Login with employee credentials and click on employee management in the side menu
User can see Onboarding Checklist in the side menu
Clicking on it, user can see Induction Program(if any) and Onboarding Checklist with status
Edit Profile:
Click on Edit Profile on the top right corner
On click Edit Profile, edit profile screen is displayed and employee can update information needed and click on Submit button
Employee can also upload his/her profile picture in Edit Profile
Uploaded image is displayed in employee's dashboard
Change Password:
Click on down arrow on top right corner
On click arrow, click on Change Password. Then Change Password page is displayed
User can enter current password, New password and Confirm Password