After successfully logging in, click on the Claim Management module in the left navigation menu
Employee will be able to see the Employee Dashboard and Claim Request
By default, Employee Dashboard will be displayed
Dashboard contains Claims Count by Status (‘Current Month’), Claims Scorecard, Reimbursement Type by Paid Amount
“Claims Count by Status (‘Current Month’)” - Displays the claims count by status for current month. Pending, Verified, Approved, Paid, Rejected, Total Claims count is displayed
Settlement Ratio is displayed for Claims paid Vs Total Claims
Alerts are displayed for the claim requests
Claims Scorecard – Displays the Total Claims, Approved, Rejected, Paid counts for Previous and Current Months with their variance for both Count and Amount
Reimbursement Type by Paid Amount – Displays the graphical representation of Paid Amount for Reimbursement Types
Claims Request:
On clicking 'Claim Request', the Claim Request page will be displayed
On click Add (+) Icon, Expense Details Popup will be displayed
Reimbursement Type
Bill Number
Bill Date
Bill Amount
Choose File fields will be displayed in the Expense Details popup screen
After entering all the data in fields, click on the submit button
It will navigate to Claim Request page
Entered details will be displayed in the table
Add Expense button, Total Requested Amount and Description fields will be display
Add Description and click the Submit button. Success popup will be displayed, and the claim request will be successfully submitted
On the Claim Request page, 'From Date' and 'To Date' fields will be displayed, along with 'Search' and 'Clear' buttons. By default, current date will be displayed in the fields
A Search box will be displayed at the top right of the table
User can search for any claim request in the table as needed
In the table, there are four tabs (Submitted, In Progress, Paid and Rejected) available for viewing the claim request status
If the claim request is submitted to the manager, it will remain under the 'Submitted' tab until the manager reviews it
If the claim request is under review by the manager or Finance Manager, it will appear under the 'In Progress' tab
If the claim amount is settled with the employee, it will appear under ‘Paid’ tab
If the manager or Finance Manager rejects the claim request, it will be displayed under the 'Rejected' tab
Employee can check the claim request by using the View Icon under Action column