Table Of Contents

Attendance Management System


Employee Dashboard:


Check In/Out:


Requesting Attendance:

From Main Dashboard:


Send a request:

Attendance Request:

Note: Applied record status is displayed as “Submitted” until manager approves it. After manager approves the attendance request then status is changed to “Approved” or “Rejected” if manager rejects it

Edit Request:

Delete Request:

Note: On click “Yes” selected record status is changed to Deleted. On click “No” selected record status is same as before


Monthly Detail Report:

Shift Change Request:

Note: Employee must have shift assigned to him/her for applying the shift change request

Note: Applied attendance request record status is “Submitted” until manager approves/rejects it. After manager approved it, then status is changed to “Approved”

Employee can Edit the existing record and delete the record by using Edit icon & Delete icons

Employee can view the Approved, Rejected, Deleted attendance records by clicking on View Icon

Request Permission:

Attendance Regularization:

Note: If Employee check IN but not check Out then that record is displaying in attendance regularization table.

Note: If employee has leave types that regular leaves will display in dropdown, if employee does not have regular type of leaves in dropdown only Loss of Pay will display.

Attendance Summary Report:

Late Attendance Report:

  • Click on clear, data will refresh and back to current month
  • Employee can download his/her late attendance information, by clicking on Excel & Pdf icons

Missed Punch Report:

  • Employee can see them missed punch out records
  • Select month
  • Click on search button to get the missed punch out records