All information about the company, the company name, location, and other company details can be defined here.
You can enter the basic details of the company here. To start entering information click “Edit”
After entering (or) updating the information in fields, to save entering information click “Save”.
If the User doesn’t want to save the edited data, then click on Cancel.
User creates Departments, and change status Active and Inactive for the created Departments
Duplicate Department Names are not allowed
Added departments are displayed in table
Note: If user want to inactive one department, then user should transfer all the Employees in the existing department to another Department.
Click on Add Icon
User can add new Department in field
Click on the Submit button, a new department is added to the table
User can update the Department name by clicking on , after updating click on “save” icon Updated text is saved
User creates Designation, and make status Active and Inactive for the created Designations
Duplicate Designation Names are not allowed
Note: If user want to inactive one designation, user should transfer all the Employees in the existing designation to another Designation
Click on Add button
User adds new Designation in field
Click on Submit button, new designation is added to the table
User updates the Designation name by clicking on , after updating click on save , updated data is saved .
Work Location:
Users adds Work Locations and make status Active and Inactive for the added work locations.
Please follow these instructions while adding a location.
Provide SAME prefix and seed values if you need common employee-id generation across all branches.
Provide DIFFERENT prefixes and seed values if you need separate employee-id generation for each branch.
Prefix is a character string which is same for all the employees of a location. Ex: ‘GOGL’
Seed value is the value that you want the employee-id generation to start from.
Branch Location – short name, for ex. Kukatpally – like KP
Note: If user Enter different prefix and seed for same work location (duplicate work location), it will not allow to create new work location.
Click on Add button
User can select current location (or) search Location
Click Location icon
Click on Location icon
Enter Work location details in fields (Address1, Address2, Branch Location, Country, State, City, Pin code, Prefix and seed)
Click on Submit button
Once a location is added it is displayed in table
User can add multiple work locations
User can Click on edit to edit work Location details (Note: As the entered prefix already exists, seed value need not be entered.)
Click on the view icon to see the work location details but they are displayed in disabled mode.
Company Logo:
User can add and update company logo here
Accepts jpg, png images
File size should not exceed 1MB
Uploaded company logo appears before the company name in header
Click on Change icon (for Updating Company logo)
File Explorer will open, Select the desired image and click on “Open” button
After Clicking the Open button image will appear in the company logo
Click the “Save” button and the image will be updated with company logo
Click on the cancel button, the selected image will not upload
If the user wants to remove the saved image, then click on “Remove” button
Shift is used to assign shift to an Employee in company
User can create different shifts with different time schedules
User can also inactive the shifts that are not needed
Enter Shift Name (Ex: – Regular Shift, Night Shift…) and Shift Description.
Shift Timings:
Select Start Time and End Time (Time picker will appears when user click on Start Time and End Time) that are associated with that shift
Total Hours will Auto Populate after entering Start Time and End Time
Grace Period:
Select In Time and Out Time (Time picker will appears when user click on In Time and Out Time)
Enter data in Number of lates is more than and Deduct leave count in fields.
Overtime duration:
User can add Allow minimum number of work hours per day as per company rules
After submitting the shift details, it will be listed in shift table
Click on view icon to see the Shift details but they are displayed in disabled mode.
The admin can define “Holidays”, these holidays will be applicable to the entire company or specific branch(branches) and will be taken into consideration while calculating leave duration
Note: Duplicate Holidays for the same date and same branch are not allowed
Click “Add” you will see fields (Branch Location, Date, Holiday Type dropdown and Holiday Name) for creating new Holiday
After adding all details, click “Submit”, that holiday is displayed in Holidays table
User can edit Holiday by clicking on Edit icon
Deleting holiday by clicking on delete icon
Click on Public radio button
Public holidays list will be display in table
Click on Optional radio button
Optional holidays list will be display in table
User can search with branch wise holidays
Edited data will be saved, when click on save Icon
Click on Cancel icon, edited data will not be saved
Checklist is used to lists different tasks, activities (Onboarding and Offboarding).
User Can add checklist by clicking on “Add” icon
Select Onboarding or Offboarding by clicking on radio button
Select Department and enter Checklist name in fields
After adding all details Click “add icon”, that checklist will display in Holidays table
User can change status as Active or Inactive for the created Checklist
For updating checklist click on Edit icon
On click save Icon to save updated data
Click on cancel icon data is not saved
Induction is the process of introducing a new employee to the company culture and processes with the aim of bringing them up to speed as quickly as possible as well as making them feel socially comfortable and aware of their professional responsibilities.
Click on Add icon to create new Induction (HR Policies, Domain knowledge etc.,)
Duplicate Inductions are not allowed
After enter Program type in field click on Submit button, the program type is listed in table
User can update Program Type by clicking on Edit icon, change status Active and Inactive by clicking on radio buttons under status column
On click save Icon to save edited data
Click on cancel icon data will not be saved
Announcements are used to share important information with employees.
User can add new Announcement by clicking on Add button
Select Topic from Dropdown
Enter Title name
Select Publish from and Publish To dates from calendar (when click on the field calendar will displays)
After entering description user can Click on submit or save as draft buttons (if click on submit status will be displayed as published, else click on save as draft status will be displayed as Save as Draft in table)
Added Announcements are listed in table
if status is Published edit, view and stop icons will be displayed
If status is Save as draft, edit and view icons will be displayed
If status is Completed, View and Republish icons will be displayed
If status is Cancelled, only view icon will be displayed
Messages Master:
All Error and Success messages are available in the message master with screen names indicating which screens they are displayed on.(will be displayed by default)
User can Update those messages by clicking on Edit.
Click on save to save the updated message.
Users Login:
Admin can Create a Username and Password for the employees.
By clicking on Edit icon Employee name and Official Email ID is displayed in fields
User can add Username in User ID field, password displays default to “Welcome1!” (Employee can update password in Employee’s login)
After adding User ID, Click on Submit button to Create User Credentials.
Onboarding Settings:
The Process in which new employees gain the knowledge and skills they need to become effective members of an organization
User can make Enable and Disable the Send Automatic Reminders by clicking on the button
If enable, Reminder messages are sent to employees to complete Onboarding pending checklists
If disable, No Reminder messages are sent to employees
User can make Enable and Disable the Probation Period by clicking on the button
If enable, Probation Period (In Months) drop down will be displayed and user will select Probation Period from the drop down
If disable, Probation Period (In Months) drop down will be disappeared.
HR Policies:
How to configure HR policies?
Admin can configure the HR Policies in Employee Management module
Click on the HR Policies in the admin screens
Configuration rules for all EMS Types are displayed
Rule1: Minimum length of user’s password — User can enter minimum length of password as per organization rule.
Rule2: Maximum length of user’s password — User can enter minimum length of password as per organization rule.
Rule3: How many last passwords should not match with the current password — User can change password which is not same as last 3 changed passwords
Rule4: Should the password start with a capital letter – User can select Yes or No from the drop downs
Rule5: How many minimum capital letters should be there in the password — User can configure for the new password with minimum capital letters
Rule6:Is special characters allowed in the password? — User can select Yes or No from the drop downs
Rule7: Minimum count of special characters allowed in the password – User can enter minimum special characters in the password as configured
Rule8: How many minimum small letters should be there in the password? – User can configure minimum small letters for the password
Rule9: How many minimum numbers should be there in the password — User can configure minimum numbers in password.
Rule10: Send Automatic Remainders for Onboarding — User can select Yes or No from the drop downs.
Rul11: Probation Period — User can select Yes or No from the drop downs
Rule12: Probation Period in Days – User can configure probation period days
Rule13: Send Automatic Remainders for Offboarding — User can select Yes or No from the drop downs
Rule14: Notice Period — User can select Yes or No from the drop downs
Rule15: Notice Period in Days – User can configure notice period days
Rule16: 1st default week off – User can configure 1st default week off
Rule17: 2nd default week off – User can configure 2nd default week off
Rule18: 3rd default week off — User can configure 3rd default week off
Rule19: Do you want to assign shifts to unassigned employees automatically? — User can select Yes or No from the drop downs
Rule20: Select a shift that will be assigned to a shift unassigned employee – User can configure notice period days
Rule21: Select a duration for which the shift will be assigned. – User can configure the duration of week off for the shift to be assigned
Rule22: How many maximum late attendances are allowed per month before deducting leave? – User can configure maximum late attendances allowed per month
Rule23: How many leaves are to be deducted in case of exceeding maximum permitted late attendances per month? — User can configure number of leaves to be deducted in case of exceeding maximum permitted late attendance
Rule24: Which leave type is to be used for deducting leave in case of exceeding late attendances per month? — User can select Leave type which are activated in the leave policies from the drop downs
Rule25: Select a shift to which a new unassigned employee will be added to. – User can select shifts which are added in the master’s from the drop down
Rule26: Select a duration for which a new employee will be assigned the default shift – User can select duration from the drop down for the employee to assign the default shift
Click on the save button to save the changes.
Note: If the user updates any HR Policies configuration, those changes do not affect existing employees. The newly made changes affect newly created/added employees.
Rule27: How many minimum hours to work to treat it as half day attendance – User should work for 4 hours in a shift then considered as worked for half day
Rule 28: How many minimum hours to work to treat it as full day attendance – User should work for 8 hours in a shift then considered as worked for full day
Rule 29: Consider an employee permission as a paid permission or not – If employee took permission in productive hours that will not deduct in salary
Rule 30: Is flexible shift enabled for your company – User will take decision; user need to work for particular shift or flexible shift
Rule 31: How many hours duration is considered for Flexible shift – User will enter total hours employee need to work in a day
Rule 32: Is an option needed in regularization screen to mark specific regularization record as week off? – User can select Yes or No from the drop downs
Rule 33: How many past days data has to be displayed for regularization – User can enter past days.
Rule 34: Is employee details editable by employee- User can select Yes or No from the drop downs
Rule 35: Is default punch out time to be populated if out punch is missed- User can select Yes or No from the drop downs
If select Yes –missed punch report is display
Rule 36: Is mapping required between departments & designations?- User can select Yes or No from the drop downs
Employee Password Reset:
Select Location Name
Select Department Name
Select Employee Name
Select Reset Option from the dropdown
Select “Username”
Enter new username
Click on submit
User will receive Reset username mail from HR Department
Select Location Name
Select Department Name
Select Employee Name
Select Reset Option from the dropdown
Select “Password”
Enter New Password
Click on submit
User will receive Reset password mail from HR Department
Select Location Name
Select Department Name
Select Employee Name
Select Reset Option from the dropdown
Select “New Username and Password”
Enter New username
Display new password
Click on submit
User will receive Reset username & password mail from HR Department